Volunteer your Talents and Time

“Be of service to others”, a saying which guides Hunter Memorial Foundation from 2016 till now. We follow in the footsteps of late W.C Hunter. More often than not, we have made somewhat positive societal effects. You might believe we have been working on it by ourselves but we actually share our opportunities and successes with anyone who wants to participate. We have a program called General Community Service where people join us with their creative ideas that are brought under one roof. We provide them with the opportunity to explore the lives of many people. Through this program, volunteers interact and exchange ideas. In addition to helping others, it also helps you. In an attempt to change society, Hunter Memorial Foundation also works to improve each individual.

Volunteering at Hunter Memorial Foundation encourages you to tap into your inner creativity and discover the organization’s mission. Everyone has a positive impact on everyone else. Hearing about the experiences of numerous members of your own community can raise your expectations for life. Hunter Memorial Foundation encourages everyone in our society to share their means of subsistence because we feel that everyone has an inspiring tale to share and that doing so will help people connect. You can assist the community through the Hunter Memorial Foundation in any way you and they can. Take your brush and make the world your own canvas! For this reason, we extend an invitation to you to unite and add new hues to the world today. 

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