Host A Wall

The Hunter Memorial Foundation functions as a whole for the community. We need resources in order for our messages to reach everyone. This is a method of spreading your thoughts throughout society as well as performing deeds of kindness. To get the ideas and thoughts of the community and translate them into art, we ask for your advice. This aids the younger generation in comprehending their motivations. Everyone now has the chance to discover their own creative potential. We did not just decide to paint a mural on the spur of the moment; a group of art industry professionals will ensure that the concept meets our standards. When we are certain that your vision and our vision are compatible with the message we have chosen for the mural, then we will proceed to finish our design. Our intention is to demonstrate how communal togetherness can be achieved through acts of compassion and service. This is how we show the neighborhood that their messages are being spread. It supports their self-assurance and sense of self-identification.


The Mural

It is no secret that gathering funds for any mural can be overwhelming. The cost of art supplies, equipment, artist fees, and upkeep can quickly add up. Therefore, the Hunter Memorial Foundation is constantly seeking the help of professionals ranging from counsel, receiving donations of art supplies, and those willing to use their previous mural painting experience to help bring the mural to fruition. We realize the importance of each volunteer and acknowledge their skills. To all those volunteers who are willing to extend their gift to the outside world while allowing positive influences to take shape these are the acts of generosity by you that we use to motivate everyone.

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